Letters to the Editor

Letter: Unfit for office

Perhaps those candidates that do not seem to trust our election process should not run for public office. It is an insult to the many volunteers who have run our elections in Alaska and throughout the country with honesty and integrity.”The Boy Who Cried Wolf” is a well-known fable. Childish behavior has little space in politics. We need leadership we can trust, honor and respect. Congratulations to each and every elected official in our recent statewide election; may you serve our state and our nation well in the coming years.

Our governor would serve our state well by speaking to the integrity of our elections and dismissing any losing candidate who feels the courts or recounts may offer a path to victory. Politics is not “war.” It is our long-trusted process of electing representation that serves on behalf of their constituency with honesty and dignity, regardless of party.

— Lloyd Stiassny


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