Letters to the Editor

Letter: Snow clearing disgrace

What a black eye on Anchorage, and shame on the municipality. The weather forecasters, who are trained as meteorologists, were telling us on television, in the newspaper — shoot, even on Facebook — to prepare for 8-11 inches of snow starting around 3 p.m. Tuesday.I had a client call me around 3 p.m. Tuesday to tell me they were probably going to cancel their appointment Wednesday.

Around 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, the Anchorage School District texted my wife and me to apologize that we would probably be getting a text at 5:30 a.m. Wednesday that school would be canceled.

We had dinner and, around 8 p.m., looked outside to see about 4 inches of already accumulated snow. Why were the plows not up and running around 7 p.m. Tuesday, after the rush hours?

I had some errands that couldn’t be put off Wednesday. Sidewalks weren’t done, people were walking in the streets and I was driving around like a Mario Kart racer. I don’t even play video games.

Come on, current administration! Get your house in order, and stop worrying about fighting over divisive issues. Private and personal business and property owners got their stuff addressed. Clear the snow, MOA!

— Grant Hedman


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