Letters to the Editor

Letter: Selfless snow aid

I don’t think that anyone would disagree that this recent series of snowstorms has been more than challenging for us all. Fingers may be pointed from the mayor’s office on down, but my heartfelt thanks goes to the hardworking snowplow crews working horribly long hours to clean up this mess, only to have it happen again! Many thanks to you plow drivers!

My thanks also to the Alaska men and their pickup trucks. My neighborhood is fairly rural in nature, with narrow streets and no shoulders on the roads. I have seen so many acts of selfless kindness through this mess, when people in trucks and people with snowthrowers and snow shovels are stopping to help get people unstuck, and asking nothing in return.

This is the Alaska that I love — people helping people! It’s so nice to see this kindness, especially this time of year. Thanks again!

— Vicki Williams


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