Letters to the Editor

Letter: Dunleavy’s wrongheaded budget

I was outraged when I read the headlines of Friday morning’s paper. “Dunleavy’s budget includes $3,900 dividend.” He stated that it’s a reflection of “the countless people” who thanked him for his efforts.

I do have empathy for those who rely on the Permanent Fund dividend to help pay for their basic needs, but the state must find other ways to support lower-income residents and fully fund basic state services. Dunleavy has decimated public school funding, University of Alaska funding and the state ferry system, to name a few. It’s no wonder we have some of the lowest scores in educational achievement in the country.

I graduated from the University of Alaska Anchorage when the university was an adequately funded school, and I believe I got a very good education. I then went on to work in our community and give back. That is what a good university system is capable of.

It’s unbelievable to me that, given Dunleavy’s background in public education, he would essentially continue to starve it, all to appease his base to get reelected. That’s not the model of a leader. It’s the model of a hack politician. Cutting the ferry system is another shortsighted decision. For a state surrounded by water in which its residents rely on the ferry system, it’s egregious to basically almost eliminate travel by water, let alone the benefits of hyping the ferry system for tourist travel, all to grossly overfund the Permanent Fund.

If Mr. Dunleavy would dare to be a leader instead of a hack politician, Alaska could be a first-class state instead of a second-class colony. I hope the Legislature overrides Mr. Dunleavy’s ill-conceived budget.

— Larry Holman


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