Letters to the Editor

Letter: Snow removal issues

Joe Stallone’s letter (ADN, Dec. 23) accusing those of us criticizing the Bronson administration over the dismal snow removal was interesting. He claimed this conservative administration’s incompetence is the same as the previous more liberal administrations.”

Funny thing is, the streets look pretty much the same to me as when Ethan Berkowitz and Austin Quinn-Davidson were in charge,” Stallone wrote.

Joe must just be looking at the inside of his house and never actually drives. In 28 years of living here, I’ve never seen the roads still so bad that, more than a week after the last snowfall, Lake Otis Parkway is still just one lane wide in each direction. This is completely unacceptable and a direct result of hiring people loyal to the mayor’s political crusade, not based on their competence.

Joe’s guy, Dave Bronson, is in charge; he’s responsible and doing an incredibly poor job.

— Rick Girouard


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