Letters to the Editor

Letter: Ukraine war support

I am disgusted by the small but growing number of Americans who say they are “tired” of supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression and that we can’t continue to “write blank checks” to Ukraine.

How can we be “tired” of a war we are not fighting? As to those so-called “blank checks,” they have been America’s most cost-effective military expenditures in decades. They have enabled us to cripple Russian conventional military capability at a fraction of the cost in dollars (and lives) of an all-out war.

If you still think supporting Ukraine is too costly, consider the cost of withdrawing American support and allowing Ukraine to collapse. No matter how much we assured our NATO allies that we would continue to honor our treaty commitments to them, allowing small courageous Ukraine to go under would send a clear signal that America cannot be relied on. That, following our sad withdrawal from Afghanistan, could signal the end of America’s free world leadership. We could then expect endless costly challenges from other dictators in other places.

Right now, it Russia that is showing itself to be a bumbling, stumbling giant. Don’t let America be next.

— Dale Gerboth


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