Letters to the Editor

Letter: Bronson should resign

It is time for Dave Bronson to prove he does care about the well-being of the municipality and resign.The person who ran for office saying he was for open and transparent government has run a closed and murky operation of seemingly corrupt incompetence. He claimed to want to cut expenses but has channeled money to his cronies and political supporters through questionable, perhaps illegal, contracts.

He does not seem at all interested nor concerned with the actual operations of our town. His idea of being mayor is to pose for publicity pictures and ignore the real problems. He has appointed many people to positions of authority for which they are totally unqualified. Prime examples of putting folks in positions they should not hold are Joe Gerace, Niki Tshibaka and Judy Eledge.

Anchorage deserves a mayor who understands the position is not a kingship. We deserve a mayor who cares about all the residents, not just the favored few.  

— Mary K. McDonald


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