Letters to the Editor

Letter: Let’s pay our way

Let’s cut the budget some more! Inadequate pay and benefits to retain equipment operators, let’s cut. No hot lunch or breakfast for school kids, we need to cut. Can’t attract and retain state workers? Cut some more! Closing schools, we haven’t cut enough!I could go on and on, as these are many sad examples.

When in a hole, stop digging. When in a race to the bottom with Mississippi, stop cutting. The state needs revenue. The politicians need the spine and vision to ensure we get it. The electorate really needs to wise up to the snake-oil peddling conservative culture warriors.

Remember the state income tax? Remember the school tax? When we were supporting ourselves, we were growing and competitive. We were the Last Frontier, for crying out loud! Now we’re the land of the freeloader.

Come on, folks, let’s make some noise and let the folks governing us know that we don’t want the hole to keep getting deeper. If we want a decent state to live and thrive in, with all that entails, we have to pay for it.

— David A. Olson


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