Letters to the Editor

Letter: A ray of hope

On Friday, about 4:15 a.m., I started my day as I have for years, long before circling back to Wisconsin from Alaska in 2021, back to the state I left for an Air Force career some 28 years earlier. I opened my Mac-Book and after a few clicks, the ADN was somewhat spread out in front of me. A quick glance at the thermometer before I start reading … 18 below? I thought we moved south! A glance back at the Mac, though, warmed me right up. My 68-year-old eyes didn’t even require their usual “click-zooming assist” for the front page because, out of the corner of one, I see: Two heartwarming snapshots summing up the annual Anchorage School District’s “Battle of the Books!”

Now, I simply want to return some thanks. Thanks to photographer Loren Holmes; thanks to the editor who put those pictorial portrayals of our common hope for the future on the front page. Seeing first and foremost that inclusive slice of the best of Anchorage, the best of education, the best of youth, the best of humanity, carried me along through the headlines and following pages, slowly but steadily, rolling over each in turn, much like a bore tide unfolds through Turnagain Arm over mud flats of varying significance.

“Threats keep Inlet beluga numbers low.” “Ohio officials investigating pro-Nazi home schoolers.” Especially over page A9, as that — and much more — news of “Nation and World” continues to slice through our sadly divided country. “Accused cult leader appears in court.” “Republicans oust Omar.” “Russia renews strikes on civilian targets.” “At Nichols’ funeral, Black America’s grief on display.” “Hawaii whale dies with nets, plastic bags in stomach.” “NJ local official shot to death outside home.” Enough — no, more than enough, already.

But for now, for tomorrow: Thanks again, Loren; thanks, unnamed ADN editor. And especially, thanks, ASD students. You made my day; hopefully, even many of my “next days” still to come; even these many miles to the south.

— Keith Muschinske

Cumberland, Wisconsin

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Keith Muschinske

Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Keith Muschinske, was the senior installation captain for Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. He lives in Eagle River.