Letters to the Editor

Letter: No confidence in Bronson

I applaud the ADN editorial board for its Sunday editorial’s detailed timeline of Mayor Dave Bronson and his incompetent administration. In the real world, in a real job, how many times would a real worker be allowed to perform illegal acts or demonstrate incompetence and maintain his or her position? Not 34 separate incidents, that’s for certain.

One time, you get oral counseling for your indiscretion, the second time a written admonishment, again and you’re placed on a time-limited performance improvement plan (PIP). If you’re unsuccessful in meeting your requirements of the PIP, your supervisor can take action to have you removed. Now that’s what happens in the federal sector. In the private sector, just one act like those documented against Bronson would be grounds for termination.

Bronson has demonstrated his disdain for everyone questioning his actions and authority to do the disgusting things he has done and others we may not even know about.The time has come for a vote of no confidence in our incompetent mayor and a demand he resign. If the Anchorage Assembly is unwilling to pursue this avenue, then the residents of Anchorage should!

It’s a shame that Anchorage has been subject to such incompetent leadership, illegal actions and childish antics by this man. Enough is enough. Bronson has earned the right to be fired and criminally charged for his historical misdeeds as the worst mayor in Anchorage history.

— Patrick Ozment


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