Letters to the Editor

Letter: Defending Rep. Peltola

In a recent letter, Richard Rhyner claimed electing Rep. Mary Peltola was a mistake.

Rhyner called Peltola “nothing more than a liberal Washington, D.C., Democrat.”

It’s true, Rep. Peltola is a Democrat, but she is Alaskan through and through and wholly committed to our great state — if you’re reading this, thank you, Mary! But Peltola’s greatest offense, according to Rhyner, was voting to keep Rep. Ilhan Omar in her committee assignments.

A common conservative claim, parroted by Rhyner, is that “Omar’s record of making anti- American remarks is well documented.” Not only is this false, but it is also a thinly veiled expression of the racist sentiment that a successful Muslim woman is inherently bad.

If you want to remove someone from Congress for their anti-American remarks, look no further than the Freedom Caucus. As just one example, Rep.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, among a litany of other disgusting remarks, recently called for the splitting of the Union into red states and blue states, which is the most anti-American idea you can have. So much the United States of America. If you recall your history of the 1860s, the last time a group of states tried to split the Union, it did not go well for the rebels and traitors.

So thank you, Rep. Mary Peltola, for your commitment to Alaska, and thank you for doing what is right.


— Declan Farr


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