Letters to the Editor

Letter: Increase the BSA

There is no greater commitment a society can make than allocating sufficient funds for education. The well-being of our future depends on it.

Increasing the Base Student Allocation to a sustainable level can ensure adequate learning for the young and allow facilities to remain open that enhance the lives of all ages. Imagine the impact to our community in Homer if we are unable to participate in events at the Mariner theater or take part in swimming at school pools.

Learning is not confined to K-12 classroom teaching or home-schooling; it is also cultivated through sports, the performing arts, and the many faceted involvement of all members of a community. True education is participatory and doesn’t leave anybody out. There should be no child (or geezer) left behind.

To claim that anything other than underfunding is at fault for our schools’ present predicament is without merit and obviously made by someone who has not fully done their homework. Fully funding our schools to the maximum should be a no-brainer for our legislators and all citizens.

It is how we better our world.

Please encourage our Legislature to increase the Base Student Allocation so the Kenai Peninsula can continue to offer a quality education and keep its facilities open.

— Steve Hughes



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