Letters to the Editor

Letter: Homeless solutions

In Coronado, California, the mayor has solved their homelessness problem by doing two things that we need to emulate.

First, they are providing shelter or housing for every homeless person there. And second, they are taking a zero-tolerance stance on people living on the streets and in the green spaces. Now, I grant you, they are dealing with far smaller numbers of homeless people, but the principles are the same. Get people off the streets and into housing.

We have lost control of our green spaces, people. Many areas can no longer be used safely by the public.

Anchorage families can no longer safely use our city parks as homeless camps abound in just about every one of them.

I will be supporting Christopher Constant in the upcoming election.

We need more people like him. And we need more Assembly members supporting proper handling of the homeless issue.

To recap, to deal with the homeless issue we need to immediately initiate a zero-tolerance stance on people living on the street or in our green spaces, and we must, absolutely must, couple that with providing adequate housing, both shelter space and long-term housing.


— John Klapproth


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