Letters to the Editor

Poem: Turn-again

Here along the Arm, it is not morning yet.

The mountains cup the waning tide in giant palms

as a lover might the waning beauty of a sweetheart.

Oncoming cars are sentinels to overwhelm

along this journey which is more, it seems

than just a trip to Homer for the weekend.


The light is louder now, nearly audible

mountains dance into a new dimension

gaining trees

the sea is asphalt grey

the road is dry and traffic

faint in my direction.

The tide is out

The bathtub bottom of the Inlet bared

There can be no other place on earth

where beauty stands so naked and unashamed

as she does here.

These mountains, humming different shades of dark

with snow staccatos

just at Girdwood erupt in song


drowning out all other sights.

The road is mine, and all the fear which stalked me

through the night

has vanished as the darkness has.

Coffee, maple donuts, and laughing as I fly along

(Oh I know places in this world where one would

never dream of doing such a thing!)

Here is a stretch where work is widening the road

The ground runs soft beneath the wheels

- more sincere

- a little dangerous.

we have time to greet the blown-out fireweed

the needled spruce

the sunburst birch who live upon this landscape.

Three geese rising to the left of us

water falling on the right


a curve I don’t recall

(We forget some things

while others simply


The air is definitely



— Carol R. Dee


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