Letters to the Editor

Letter: News vs. noise

The new Trump show is a perfect reason for people to subscribe to a newsworthy newspaper. What is seen on a television screen or read on social media has very little to do with pertinent information needed to form ones own opinions about important matters. It is nothing more than a constant oscillation of the same subjects just grinding along. Hopefully most people are intelligent enough to form their own opinions.

With a good newspaper, one can read what they choose. With an online subscription, you can close it when you are finished and no noise of people ranting on. With a physical newspaper, you can fold it and carry it with you, save them to make fireplace logs, line a bird cage, recycle it, or maybe you have a new puppy. It helps to turn off the din of discontent. Things are bad enough.

The ADN has done a great service to Anchorage and Alaska by providing information and allowing dueling opinions on many subjects. Hope it is not ever to be doomed as other newspapers across the country that have been silenced by all the noise.

— Karen Delkettie


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