Letters to the Editor

Letter: Post-oil Alaska

Welcome to “post-oil” Alaska.

Apparently, she is indeed getting old now; therefore, egg production from the “golden goose” of oil revenue isn’t what it used to be. We are seeing that “hope for more revenue” is not a dependable plan of action. How is that “cut spending” solution working out? Now the recent years of the legislature spending our savings and Gov. Dunleavy’s promises of a “statutory Permanent Fund dividend” and “no taxes without a citizen referendum” seem to have finally hit the stone wall of reality.

A recent ADN headline stated: “Alaska Gov. Dunleavy set to introduce sales tax proposal in final weeks of legislative session.” Is the Anchorage municipal government going to continue to deny our fiscal reality and stand frozen like the proverbial “deer in the headlights” while our governor and Legislature impose a state sales tax? Anchorage voters just chose to reduce the taxable amount of property values. Do you think they will willingly accept less government services and protections? Will they vote for seemingly endless bond debt or a local sales tax on top of a state sales tax to compensate?

Perhaps Bob Dylan summed it up best in his song: “The Times, They Are A-Changin’. "

— Lynn Willis

Eagle River

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