Letters to the Editor

Letter: Reject Marcum

The Alaska Legislature should reject Bethany Marcum’s nomination to the University of Alaska Board of Regents.

A seat on the University Board of Regents should not be treated like an ambassadorship to a cushy Caribbean island or Scandinavian country — a political favor for personal friends, colleagues and political allies.

Kyle Hopkins’ recent investigation into Judy Eledge, whose appointments were also political favors, should serve as a warning for cronyism run amok. Ironically, in that article, a photo showed Marcum, Dunleavy and Eledge celebrating together on the night of the 2018 primary election.

Bethany Marcum worked for Dunleavy during his days as a legislator and now serves as head of the Alaska Policy Forum, a conservative and libertarian think tank that has been a strong supporter of Dunleavy’s agenda.

It would be one thing if Marcum were fit to serve in such a vital (and ideally nonpartisan) role. However, she has proven she is not. Appointed by Dunleavy, Marcum’s actions as a member of the Alaska Redistricting Board should disqualify her. As a member of the board, Marcum pushed a blatant and unconstitutional gerrymander, violated the Open Meetings Act and lied about having viewed incumbent data.

The University of Alaska deserves better than to be wrapped up in political favor-trading. The Legislature should see through this and reject Marcum’s nomination.

— Alex Baker



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