Letters to the Editor

Letter: Give Biden credit

If I didn’t know better, I would think President Joe Biden was a woman. Because typically, it’s women who have to do things twice as well to be considered half as good. In President Biden’s case, he has passed the infrastructure bill, which will bring more money to the states for roads, bridges and ports than at any time since the Eisenhower administration. He has been the negotiator to stop strikes in the railroad and other transportation industries. He passed gun violence legislation for the first time in 30 years. We have the lowest unemployment rate in the past 50 years. He passed an Inflation Reduction Act, and you know what? Inflation is actually reducing.

He is supporting Ukraine against Russia and communism, and negotiated to admit Finland and now Sweden to NATO. This will greatly strengthen democracy in the world. And more than anything else, he is supporting democracy. We still live in a democracy. He is the calm voice at the helm trying to keep us from teetering over the edge. He is facing down the opposition party which would rather sink the country that see the U.S. succeed with him as president.

And what does he get for all this? He is considered to be half as good. At least those of us who have experienced being underestimated know that he knows what we feel like.

— Holly R. Hill


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