Letters to the Editor

Letter: Attorney general’s letter

As James Baldwin said, “I don’t believe what you say, because I see what you do.” I know what gaslighting looks like when I see it; i’ve had plenty of experience during the Dunleavy administration. Attorney General Treg Taylor’s opinion piece struck me as a classic example. It would be believable, except for his similar tactic in writing Walgreen’s on behalf of whom I don’t know — certainly not Alaskans — basically scaring them into not following the law and selling legal safe abortion pills.

For the record, I agree with other conservatives like Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan and Nelson Rockefeller: The government has no business in your personal life. That’s not the intent of our system of government.

Can AG “trust me” Taylor name one example when this old rule was applied here in our state, saving the masses from STDs or some imaginary victim of crime? Where it all falls on its face is I’m willing to bet all the states whose attorneys general signed the letter were led by Republican governors and attorneys general. Isn’t it such a coincidence that they just happen to be against freedom and for government intrusion in your life?

I would submit that AG Taylor should actually do some real meaningful work here in the state and deal with the worst sexual assault rate in the nation on his watch. Maybe get the backlog of rape kits tested so women have justice, not invasion of their privacy. Perhaps he should deal with the chronic child neglect and abuse in this state.

— Shawn O’Donnell


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