Letters to the Editor

Letter: Anchorage needs more housing

Thank you, Jon Lang and the ADN, for the recent commentaries on the proposed zoning code changes in AO 2023-66. The current code with its 15 different residential codes is a retrospective, reactive patchwork, which has a very expensive impact on the cost of developing housing, particularly affordable, workforce housing in Anchorage.

Anyone doubting the need for the changes prescribed in AO 2023-66 should take a trip to Seattle, Portland or Spokane.

The cost of housing, along with wage stagnation in those communities has led to the blowup of homelessness for not just the indigent, addicted, or mentally ill, but for the working poor, people who bag your groceries, make that latte, or clean your house.

The impact of people being priced out of housing and onto the streets and public parks is traumatic for the homeless and is also particularly destabilizing if not devastating for small business owners.

If Anchorage is to head off the explosion of homelessness problems happening in the Lower 48, we need more housing. Especially workforce/affordable housing. Adopting AO 202366 is a much-needed step in creating this housing and I hope for all our sakes the Assembly approves it.

— Mary Miner

Ravens Roost Cohousing



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