Letters to the Editor

Letter: Dichotomy

I don’t know if it was by design or just an ironic coincidence, but the Sept. 3 ADN front page headlined article, “People are dying out here,” is rapidly becoming the norm in many cities across the U.S., while the back page same-section article, “Billionaires want to build a new city in rural California” enlightened the reader of the opposing rapid takeover by the rich to utopianize and segregate those who consider themselves more worthy of the nicest, most fertile and prosperous places to live.

The affluent have and always will have the best in life, including the advantage of being able to buy their way out of addiction.

Unfortunately, it may be that the only consolation for those dying on the streets of Anchorage and elsewhere can be described by the words of Jesus who told his disciples that in heaven, many who are last shall be first and many who are first shall be last. It appears the ADN had it right by relegating the billionaire article to the last page. Burying it even further would have been additionally suitable.

— Debra Riner


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