Letters to the Editor

Letter: Keep schools safe and welcoming for everyone

Our daughter left the U.S. for Australia a year ago because of the growing hostility toward the transgender community sweeping her country. She asked me, “Mom, am I an immigrant now or a refugee?” How ironic that the recent decision of the Alaska State Board of Education, appointed by Gov. Mike Dunleavy, to ban transgender girls from sports is nothing short of a kangaroo court.

Despite overwhelming testimony of support for our transgender students from parents, students, athletes, the medical community, families, friends, and allies, all seven board members ignorantly and blatantly ignored us.

We are not deterred, I assure you. Like all historic horrible treatment in our country and abroad towards those of us who are different, it’s worth the fight. Jesus didn’t give up, Abraham Lincoln didn’t give up, Rosa Parks didn’t give up, Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t give up, Mahatma Gandhi didn’t give up, and St. Teresa of Calcutta didn’t up. These are only a few of the people we look up to for inspiration and courage. Good company, I’d say.

The governor, on the other hand, follows a man who has promoted conspiracy theories and made many false and misleading statements during his campaigns and presidency, to a degree unprecedented in American history. Donald Trump is currently under indictment in Georgia for racketeering and other felonies. You know the rest of the story.

Thank you to Anchorage Superintendent Jharrett Bryantt and Anchorage School Board President Margo Bellamy for their support in not complying; I hope they will uphold their statement that Anchorage schools will be a safe and welcoming environment for all students.

— Mollie Crittenden


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