Letters to the Editor

Letter: Property tax burden

In response to Christopher Constant’s reply to the ADN editorial on the mayor’s budget: The “fantasy,” to use Constant’s term, is that Constant believes the property owners can continue to support the Assembly’s spending plan. Landlords are also forced to continue to raise rents to support this agenda, which in turn causes housing to be more unaffordable, leading to more homelessness, on which we’ve spent millions upon millions of dollars in the past three years.

On top of that, we have a $2.5 million building foundation sitting off Tudor Road put in by Hickel Construction that is wasting away.

How about a 3% sales tax that only goes toward reducing property taxes?

The Assembly was able to work around the 60% approval for an alcohol tax; make this work so everyone has some skin in this game, not just the property owners.

— Greg Svendsen


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