Letters to the Editor

Letter: Energy for Alaska

On Oct. 30, the ADN published a column by former CIA director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, meant to frighten Alaskans and our legislators. Even the headline, “U.S. and Alaska’s energy industry are in the crosshairs,” was meant to be alarming. All the essay said was, “Please don’t tax our poor oil industry at any higher rates! The oil companies will be sure to abandon Alaska’s oil fields and by so doing endanger the country’s energy independence now, when the Middle East is so volatile.”

We need the energy oil and natural gas provide, no doubt. But oil companies have been taking enormous profits from their Alaska investments for a long time, and those profits will continue, even if legislators have the courage to raise taxes to a level more consistent with other oil-providing states.

Meanwhile, in Thursday’s paper, there was a column by a bipartisan group of current and former Alaska legislators calling for positive action to take advantage of opportunities we have to increase renewable energy across the state. The column clearly called for action regarding six projects we can grab hold of in the immediate future to help ensure our “energy independence” without causing more pollution. What a difference! Thank you.

In my opinion, Pompeo is just a shrill shill for oil companies, while our group of Alaska leaders sound positive and optimistic — and suggested some worthwhile possibilities for us to grab while we can.

— John Blaine


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