Letters to the Editor

Letter: Stand up to Trump

As reported in the ADN recently, “Donald Trump and his allies have begun mapping out specific plans for using the federal government to punish critics and opponents should he win a second term, with the former president naming individuals he wants to investigate or prosecute and his associates drafting plans to potentially invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office to allow him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations.”

If that is not absolutely frightening, I don’t know what is. This man’s narcissism, megalomania, and ego are reaching new, dangerous heights. Deploying the military against civil demonstrations? This man, with the help of his lemming-like sycophants, is trying to undermine the long-established rule of law, the ordered, respectful conversations between those who disagree, the very base of our constitutional democracy.

Why aren’t more intelligent people standing up to him? What are they afraid of?

— John Lapkass


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