Letters to the Editor

Letter: Standing up for women’s rights

Ohio residents just voted overwhelmingly to allow women to control their own bodies. Since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, this marks seven of seven states that have reacted similarly to codify women’s right to choose.

Having three daughters, it reminded me of 1972, when the Supreme Court ruled women would finally be allowed prescriptions to obtain and use birth control even though they weren’t married. How charitable of them.

It further reminded me of 1974, when President Gerald Ford signed the law allowing unmarried women to obtain credit cards. I know it sounds like news from an alien planet of deranged misogynists. Hiding behind a cloak of manufactured morality, controlling women has been a thing for old white men since time began.

The good news is that our culture of abusing women is changing. Exit polls in Ohio showed the next generation of leaders, those 18 to 29 years old, voted 82% in favor of their new constitutional amendment.

— Bob Lacher


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