Letters to the Editor

Letter: State-sponsored misinformation

The USSR had a policy and standard operating procedure they called “maskirovka.”

This was continued by Russia under Vladimir Putin and was also adopted and used by the Chinese Communist Party.

Maskirovka consists of using misinformation to mislead their own and other peoples to further their state aims.

About three decades ago, the Republican Party, until then the staunchest opponent of communism, lost some of this energy as many (incorrectly) felt that the adaption of free-market principles would “tame” Russia and the Chinese communists. Following the lead of Rush Limbaugh, who made a profit by inspiring fear in his audience, other right-wing media and politicians (following the lead of Karl Rove) used various techniques to attack other Americans as the replacement bogeymen for the techniques of fear to rail against.

Putin and the CCP no doubt appreciate their efforts to promote dissension and division in U.S. discourse and politics. Whether those profiting from spreading fear and disunity with exaggeration, conspiracy theories, and even lies while downplaying and ignoring news that doesn’t fit their agenda are mostly not paid tools of the Russians and CCP; they are dupes who all too often repeat the misinformation started by Russian or Chinese propagandists.

Consider whether it is patriotic to be such a dupe or even to support those dupes who are helping the maskirovka efforts of those seeking to weaken our country.

— Alex Koponen



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