Letters to the Editor

Letter: Snow removal is nothing new

The Nov. 28 letters in the ADN had no fewer than five complaints about snow removal. But it’s the same complainers who find any fault in Mayor Dave Bronson they can come up with. How easy it is to forget “Choice: safety or snow plowing,” posed by Mayor Ethan Berkowitz in January 2017. Or “It’s Official: Anchorage records first snowfall,” on Oct. 14, 2021. It was 18 inches and interim Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson was in charge. How about “Interior Alaska storm wreaks havoc” on Dec. 15, 2021?

No, I don’t like it, but frankly, I’ll take police over snowplows. There are only so many snow plows, and you can’t keep taxing people who are living on the edge as it is. There was a decrease in revenue over the COVID-19 years — add to that lack of workers, you name it. You live in Alaska; deal with it and stop whining.

— Liz Forsman


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