Letters to the Editor

Letter: Begich and Trump

The ADN served us well by printing Nick Begich III’s commentary on Dec. 5. It clarified very well who he really is.

Mr. Begich characterized Donald Trump’s numerous sins and crimes as his “approach” to governing, apparently just a matter of taste. He characterizes the fear that Trump has inspired as “heartburn,” thus trivializing the threats that so disturb Gen. Mark Milley, Gen. James Mattis and Gen. John Kelly, all of whom worked closely with Trump, know him well and have warned us against him. Begich embraced Trump enthusiastically, ignoring national and international concerns and focusing narrowly on what he claims are Alaska’s interests. Yet he misrepresented those interests.

Begich wants us to forget that no major oil company ultimately had an interest in drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; only the state of Alaska was willing to waste money there. He wants us to ignore the fact that the people of Southeast Alaska have done well without a repeal of the roadless rule in the Tongass National Forest, especially the various Native organizations, and have settled on fishing and tourism as their favored industries. He didn’t mention that sufficient acreage was left available for oil development in National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to satisfy the industry.

Mr. Begich has made it clear that his ignorance and moral obtuseness make him unfit to serve us in Washington, D.C.

— Diane Crawford


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