Letters to the Editor

Letter: Eyeglasses for students

I read the recent article in the ADN about the efforts of Bethany Zimpelman, the school nurse at Muldoon Elementary School, over the past several school years to provide access to glasses for many students at Muldoon Elementary School. I was immediately struck by what a dramatic beneficial impact her efforts have made for these kids. I was also struck by the willingness of Makar Eyecare to partner with her in making this possible, particularly by coming to the school to host vision clinics that made it possible for parents.

It seems this approach would likely benefit many students in the ASD, particularly in Title 1 schools, in addition to those at Muldoon. Is this something that the ASD administration has considered — expanding these outreach efforts to other schools?

If not, is there someone at ASD who could explore the possibilities of expanding this program?

Lastly, kudos to Makar Eyecare for their involvement with these very worthy and needed efforts.

They exemplify the good work that can be accomplished locally by partnering between the local community and neighborhood schools.

— Brad Owens


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