Letters to the Editor

Letter: Girdwood needs triplexes

I was disappointed in the ADN editorial board’s “NIMBY Award” to Girdwood. It shows either a lack ofunderstanding of the Holtan Hills issue or aninappropriate willingness to argue for the developer and her associates — perhaps both.

Girdwood wants affordable housing for its residents, pure and simple. It is the same in Anchorage and Eagle River, where three Assembly members have proposed ordinances to encourage building more triplexes and four-plexes.

I urge the Assembly to require any development of Holtan Hills to include a substantial number (25% or more) of lots dedicated to affordable triplex and fourplex units for local ownership or rent.

Otherwise, this development will only add expensive, single-family residences that will do nothing to solve Girdwood’s shortage of affordable housing.

The only beneficiaries will be Heritage Land Bank and the developer, not Girdwood’s residents.

— Kate Sandberg


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