Letters to the Editor

Letter: Incompetence costs us all

If you’re a business owner in Anchorage, wouldn’t you want to be confident in the knowledge that you, your HR department, or even your candidate was the best fit and best qualified to hold that position?

Wouldn’t you think that our local and state government administrations would expect the same? No hostile work environment, no discrimination, no nepotism or that “special” buddy placed in positions not qualified to perform the duties required of the position? Those mistakes have once again cost the public unnecessary cash settlements that could reach into the millions when all is settled. This is in addition to the public’s money wasted on lawsuit settlements because of Mayor Dave Bronson and the millions of dollars wasted on the mayor’s boondoggle of illegal contract appropriations.

Just to put it in perspective: The most recent “non-disclosure” settlement with Andrea Nester, previous Health Department manager for the homeless program, resulted in a $52,000 payment.

Then there’s Heather MacAlpine, former municipality director of the office of equal employment opportunity: $277,500. Oh, and Clifford Armstrong III, former chief equity officer: $125,000. I almost forgot the $18,869 paid to Christina Hendrickson for her brief stint as city real estate director.

There was also poor Municipal Manager Amy Dembowski’s unsettled and rejected $550,000 suit against City Hall for a hostile work environment, among other allegations. Then let’s not forget the cost to us for court time, lawyers fees, zero productivity, and a whole lot of wasted public money to atone for the Bronson administration’s corruption and incompetence.

It’s time to clean house in April. In addition to voting Bronson out of office, it may take a whole lot of bleach to remove the smell of corruption and incompetence. We desperately need at least a two-party system to maintain our democracy. The Alaska Democratic Party seems to be working for the people of Anchorage and Alaska. What other party would like to work with the Assembly, Congress, and state Democrats to make Alaska great again? The GOP is not conservative; they’re just bending a knee, kissing the ring, and making a deal with the devil.

— Patrick Ozment



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