Letters to the Editor

Letter: Oppose grocery merger

Other states are against the Albertsons and Kroger merger because the people in those states affected by the merger will face a loss of competition and higher food prices. There will, however, be some advantages.

CEOs and upper management of both chains will walk away with millions of dollars in bonuses, and hedge fund companies will pocket billions of dollars, all paid for by the extra money that we will be shelling out for groceries.

This merger would forever raise the cost of groceries, prescription drugs, clothing and more. Just think about all of the different things available in Fred Meyer. Many of those items will cost much more or be gone entirely.

Does anybody really think that Albertsons and Kroger are trying to do this merger because they want to help us consumers? Gov. Mike Dunleavy and Attorney General Treg Taylor should do the jobs that they swore an oath to do and represent the interests of Alaskans by filing a lawsuit against the merger.

— Leif Simcox


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