Letters to the Editor

Letter: Short-sighted

The Republican Party used to be for a strong defense and opposition to the Kremlin and Chinese communist efforts to put the world under their autocratic control … at least until 2016, when someone who expressed disdain for NATO and who had surprisingly pro-Russian attitudes was elected president of our United States of America. Now the Republican politicians sabotage the support of Ukrainian defense under the guise of demanding better border security.

Not only is supporting Ukrainian defense an excellent way to use our tax dollars to help in the long-term defense of the U.S. as well as its allies, it is getting our munitions approaching their “sell by” date used in defending Ukraine, and replacing them with new munitions and improvements to factories to make more if needed.

I have been following border security arguments in Congress for decades. More often than not, it was Republican politicians that sabotaged efforts at immigration reform. Perhaps it was that so many of their wealthier supporters rely upon the many politically powerless immigrant workers who might not be so politically powerless if reform were actually passed.

Regardless, it is an issue that will take a long time to resolve.

Their use of it as a roadblock to supporting Ukraine is merely a political power play that shows that they are not mature or wise enough to hold decisive power in our country.

— Alex Koponen


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