Letters to the Editor

Letter: No veto override

Jan. 18 was an important date for the Alaska Legislature and all Alaskans. One of the first items on both houses’ agendas was funding for education — a topic important to all Alaskans and for the future of Alaska.

Each chamber had to decide whether to override Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s veto. The Senate voted to override.

In the House, the vote failed. As of Jan. 19, the governor’s cut to the budget for education remains in place.

Please decide whether Reps. Jamie Allard, Thomas Baker, Ben Carpenter, Julie Coulombe, Mike Cronk, David Eastman, Craig Johnson, DeLena Johnson, Kevin McCabe, Tom McKay, Mike Prax, George Rauscher, George Ruffridge, Dan Saddler, Laddie Shaw, Will Stapp, Jesse Sumner, Cathy Tilton, Frank Tomaszewski, Sarah Vance and Stanley Wright, who voted against overriding the veto, reflect your values regarding educating the youth of Alaska, and remember their names when next voting for who represents you in Juneau.

— Louise Lazur


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