Letters to the Editor

Letter: Education and food

It appears clear as day that the Republicans in our Legislature (and the governor, of course) have no interest in educating children. It is appalling that our public schools are not being adequately funded. What’s their ulterior motive? Where do they want the money to go instead? Remember, our illustrious governor endorsed Donald Trump for president. Donald Trump, who has said, ‘I love the poorly educated.’

Recently I emailed my state senator, James Kaufman, regarding education funding. The first time, he responded with an admonishment to me that emotion had no place in legislating. True. I was furious that Dunleavy had vetoed half of the paltry money the Legislature gave to education.

Twice I’ve emailed him to ask why he thinks I should not be mad as hell about it. In response, crickets. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. And now our state doesn’t want to feed hungry children. This is why I will never, ever vote for a Republican again.

— Linda Shore


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