Letters to the Editor

Letter: Simple math

Reading all the stories recently about funding in Alaska. Heaven forbid politicians only spend what they take in, but that’s for another day. The recent commentary from Janet Mc-Cabe talked of a state income tax. I’m more inclined to go with a state sales tax — or a consumption tax if you will. That way everybody who enjoys what Alaska has to offer contributes to the state coffers, including tourists. As for me, I’m retired, so from a personal viewpoint, I should be all for the income tax, but I’m not.

Second point: Let’s talk about the Permanent Fund dividend. As a recent resident (only six years), I see the battle every year about how much to return to residents as a payment, how much the politicians get to spend, and the different ways to calculate it all. How about something plain and simple? No difficult calculations, no worries about a good or bad stock market and oil price year — only pay out what the fund’s principal grew that year. If the fund makes $100 million, give 48% to residents, 48% to politicians to give back to us and 4% to increase the principal.

Simple math for both.

— Rick Wilhoite


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