Letters to the Editor

Letter: Plastic is everywhere

Plastic is everywhere. We assume it is safe, but guess what?

It is not, and more research is finding just how unhealthy it can be. Most of us already know that there is a problem with plastics in our oceans, causing marine life to get caught, strangled, drowned, and maimed.

But it is past time to realize that plastic is in us, too. Researchers have good reason to believe all Americans have some amount of plastic pollution, such as phylates, in their bodies. I am writing this letter as a wakeup call to all Alaskans to get informed, join groups that are fighting this scourge, and make common-sense changes to their everyday lives. Never heat food in plastic containers, for example, and stop using plastic cutting boards as micropieces of plastic can get into your food.

There is much more information on this topic from groups like Consumer Reports, Food and Water Watch and more.

Stand with our local group, ACAT (Alaskan Community Action on Toxics) which is fighting to get these deadly chemicals out of drinking water. The more I learn, the more I find out what I can do to change.

— Beverly Churchill


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