Letters to the Editor

Letter: Hillside legislators fail us

Somehow, despite overwhelming evidence and testimony, our two Republican representatives in the Legislature managed to ignore the needs and wishes of the schools, the children and the public.

Rep. Julie Coulombe and Sen. James Kaufman, from Hillside districts, voted against overturning the governor’s veto of education funding that passed in the last session.

It is an incredible error in judgement, and neither will ever get our votes.

Why they would support Gov. Mike Dunleavy on any education issue is beyond me. He could not be more anti-education if he started setting fire to public schools.

Coulombe fell for an old legislative trick — “other bills already filed deal with education funding, along with many other education issues, so let’s deal with them all together.” The “other bills,” loaded with complicated and controversial issues, will likely be delayed until the end of the session, and nothing will get done. This is the infamous “hide-the-realissue- in-a-complex-bill technique.”

Anyway, it’s disappointing, and I sincerely hope the anti-education Republicans listen to the public rather than to the formidable powers arrayed against us.

— Tom and Martha Nelson



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