Letters to the Editor

Letter: Our future

Our children are our future and we are failing them. Politics and personal pursuits should be set aside. My husband and I are retired Alaska teachers, and we had the good fortune to teach when one could at least survive financially as educators and had the joy of facilitating the foundation needed for students to flourish. We were trained as educators and were trusted to apply those skills.

I can understand why few are choosing to get the necessary training to become educators presently. The pressure and demands are unrealistic, and our children are often the ones who are slighted. We are willing to invest in a well-trained surgeon in a first-rate hospital when we need their help. We need to do the same for future generations.

Whether one is an elected representative, a parent, or a community member, we need to all roll up our sleeves and take an active role in supporting our future leaders.

— Patty See


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