Letters to the Editor

Letter: Hilcorp deserves thanks

I was alarmed to see in Roger Marks’ Feb. 24 commentary, in which he discusses the shortage of Cook Inlet natural gas as a monopoly problem —fixing blame on a supplier instead of failed state policy. He suggested, “It would also be imprudent to consider the possibility that Hilcorp is withholding supply to bolster gas prices in the next round of contracts.”

“What balderdash, as my English mum would blurt out. This type of “shoot first, aim later” mentality should have no place in our public discourse unless, of course, it is the Speakers Corner type of rhetoric designed to ignite the crowd.

These days, it seems there is no low that opponents won’t stoop to attack energy producers. When other energy companies abandoned our state, Hilcorp poured investment dollars into Alaska’s natural gas production in Cook Inlet and oil development on the North Slope. The company employs more than 1,500 Alaskans and contributes extensively to our state’s philanthropy. During the recent cold spell, when Enstar struggled to keep up with demand, Hilcorp stepped up its output so Anchorage had heat and power.

Of course, there should be oversight of private-sector companies to ensure they are meeting all ethical standards. But to even imply the potential for nefarious business motives is below the belt. Instead of these meritless attacks, how about a simple “thank you” every once in a while?

Thank you, Hilcorp, for developing Cook Inlet’s natural gas, and please find more.

— David Nees

Cooper Landing

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