Letters to the Editor

Letter: Big-government Dunleavy

For a man who lauds himself as a Republican, Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s recent executive orders, his budget and his proposed laws have been quite the contrary.

For instance, previously Republicans were for fiscal responsibility and small government.

Our leaders heralded themselves for reducing budgets and reducing government. Yet Dunleavy’s proposed budget places Alaska more than $1 billion in debt to give everyone huge dividends. This former teacher needs to take some refresher courses: It’s bad math to pull from your savings to give yourself a big one-time payday and put yourself in debt.

Another move of Dunleavy’s establishing him as a RINO (Republican in name only) is his current fondness for big government. I thought Republicans wanted things small, but Dunleavy’s 12 executive orders to place numerous boards under his sole authority, and his recent bill attacking Alaskans’ freedom of speech, sure seem big and overreaching.

Is it time to re-recall this Republican-in-name-only? Because to be a Republican means to be for the republic, “a state in which … power is held by the people and their elected representatives...” and not just one tall guy.

— Steven Bridwell


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