Letters to the Editor

Letter: Anchorage, gem of Alaska

In 2002, the National Civic League honored Anchorage with the title ‘All-American City.’ What has happened to our city since then is disheartening. The departure of young people, skilled workforce and professionals is troubling for the city. This exodus is especially poignant for us, as seven of our eight children live ‘Outside.’

When we drive through downtown Anchorage, we see a stagnant city needing revitalization. The current mayor has a poor record to run on. We need a change and must thoughtfully choose the right candidate to replace Mayor Dave Bronson.

In the upcoming election, we can exercise tremendous power.

With our vote, we give the city’s leadership the mandate to revitalize our city, attract new businesses, work towards a solution to our homeless problem, and motivate our young people, professionals, and skilled workers to remain in or return to Anchorage.

We need to elect an ethical, experienced, inspirational and nonpartisan person as our next mayor.

Let’s vote to make Anchorage the gem of the Last Frontier.

— Hal and Barbara Gazaway



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