Letters to the Editor

Letter: Vote them out

Malfeasance runs rampant in our state and municipal governments. In Anchorage, we have to contend with the municipal problems of illegal contracting procedures, high turnover in staff, unvetted hiring of top-level positions, and lawsuits against the mayor, who illegally ordered the shutoff of fluoride in the city water system — I guess to prove a point. And then there’s the snow plowing issue.

Anchorage is on the downturn under the governance (and I use that term loosely) of Mayor Dave Bronson.

On the state level, we have a governor intent on buying votes by paying irresponsibly large Permanent Fund dividends to residents when the funds could be used to help public schools provide the constitutional requirement to fund education for our children.

On top of that, Dunleavy’s Education Commissioner Deena Bishop can’t or won’t follow through on funding school districts with Federal funding provided. Dunleavy’s approach to education — promoting charter schools at the expense of neighborhood public schools is essentially school segregation. We have the power to change these deplorable conditions. Vote out and keep out Bronson, Dunleavy and their ilk.

— Jim Braham


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