Letters to the Editor

Letter: A clear choice

I am so encouraged to see the fabulous support Suzanne LaFrance has garnered. It gives me hope that many fellow Alaskans realize we need a change in the mayor’s office.

Only one candidate has the experience in tackling critical issues Anchorage has faced, and will face in the future — that’s LaFrance. Mr. Bronson’s expertise, I believe, is clearly evident not to exceed the cockpit of an aircraft. However, do not interpret this as an endorsement of his piloting skills.

Only one candidate has served many years of public service and has the respect of a grateful city — that’s LaFrance. Mr. Bronson’s limited tenure as mayor has sadly for Anchorage been a dismal failure. Especially by the people he has surrounded himself with — for example, Larry Baker, a person least likely qualified to help solve real problems.

Only one candidate will be open for discussion to all points of view with no agenda — that’s LaFrance. Mr. Bronson was had a confrontational, to say the least, approach to people who do not agree with his views, example the library problem, the health department problem, the public safety issues, the snow removal issues, the unqualified people he appointed problems.There are literally hundreds of reasons why there must be a new mayor elected.

In my view, the most important is to restore a positive agenda for Anchorage. We all need a positive outlook, a positive attitude and a positive mindset for our city.

I believe the only candidate for mayor to assure positive change is Suzanne LaFrance. Please vote.

— Gregory Carr



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