Letters to the Editor

Letter: Make sure to vote

Years ago, when juggling two jobs and raising five children, I voted once every four years. Now, I vote in every election. With the convenience and security of mailin voting, there is no excuse not to vote.

My husband, a super voter, prefers to vote in person, but he’s very busy and has missed the in-person voting deadline once or twice. So, when our ballots arrived, I challenged him to mark his ballot immediately. We will mail our ballots tomorrow.

Some people have concerns about the security of mail-in voting. We post our mail either in the blue boxes outside or the slots inside the post office. The mailboxes are designed to ensure the security of our letters. I can track my ballot online, so I’m assured that it reaches its destination.

Vote and mail your ballot today or tomorrow at the latest. Remember: The deadline is May 14.

— Barbara Gazaway


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