
Legislation would promote responsible use of the Tongass

Sealaska, its tribal member shareholders and Southeast Alaska communities are facing a full-scale assault from national environmental groups and their allies in Congress on legislation important to their future.

Opponents claim S. 881, sponsored by Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich, would harm the economy and the Tongass National Forest. To the contrary, it would maintain vital jobs in the region, create sustainable economies and keep old-growth and roadless areas in public ownership.

Some groups have launched a disinformation campaign to defeat S. 881 and a similar bill in the House sponsored by Congressman Don Young. Both bills would convey to Sealaska land it is due under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA).

Opponents absurdly claim the Tongass will cease to exist as currently known if S.881 passes. They also say Sealaska has clear-cut over 320,000 acres and that S. 881 would allow the company to cherry-pick the best timber.

Such claims are removed from reality. For example, how could Sealaska clear-cut 320,000 acres when it owns only 290,000 acres? The corporation favors helicopter partial cutting, which comprises 57 percent of its harvested acres.

Over 70 percent of the big-tree old growth forest of the Tongass is already protected in reserves. To claim that Sealaska would choose the best timber is false because the best timber is permanently protected in reserves that will never be available for harvest. Moreover, Sealaska's remaining conveyances, 0.5 percent of the Tongass, would not change the current character of the forest, where 94 percent of the old-growth will remain off-limits.

S. 881 does not give Sealaska a single acre more than it is due. All selections would come from the Tongass, whether or not S. 881 passes. The difference is S. 881 would allow Sealaska to move its currently authorized land selections from predominately inventoried roadless areas covered in old-growth timber to lands that are mostly roaded with significant acres of second growth.


If S. 881 fails to pass, Sealaska would be forced to choose from areas now available for selection, including intact watersheds and old-growth reserves. The outcome would mean higher levels of logging, road construction and development in roadless areas, including high-value watersheds used for community drinking water, recreation and commercial fishing, and conservation purposes.

Obviously, Sealaska prefers to avoid the public outcry that would occur from development activities in these high-valued areas. It has been its intention from the beginning of this process to avoid conflict and do what is right for the environment and residents of Southeast Alaska.

The alternative selection pool in S. 881 is a product of compromise arising from thousands of hours in meetings with local communities, conservation groups and other parties. Significant revisions have been made to the bill to address local needs. Almost half of the economic lands identified in the bill have been removed while conservation areas well in excess to the land Sealaska would receive have been added.

Yet despite these concessions, environmentalists appear in no mood for compromise. While S. 881 would preserve more old-growth forest and roadless areas, could it be their agenda is simply to stop logging anywhere in the Tongass?

It is important to remember that the Tongass is mandated by law to be managed for multiple use, as opposed to a national park where most development activities, including logging, are banned.

S. 881 will help sustain the forest products industry in Southeast Alaska and provide for diverse economic development opportunities. Through revenue-sharing provisions of ANCSA, all Alaska Native corporations statewide would benefit. S. 881 is supported by the State of Alaska, the Alaska Federation of Natives, all Alaska Native regional corporations, the majority of Southeast Alaska residents, the National Congress of American Indians, and the Alaska congressional delegation. S. 881 is about the equitable settlement of this nation's commitment to the Alaska Native people of Southeast Alaska. This compromise bill is a win-win for the economy, local communities and the environment.

Carl Portman is the deputy director of the Resource Development Council.