
GCI petitions against firm buying KTUU, claiming too much market control

GCI, the telecom company that owns KTVA-TV, is petitioning against Gray Television Licensee LLC's efforts to purchase both KTUU-TV and KYES-TV in Anchorage.

In a petition filed to the Federal Communications Commission in mid-November, GCI said Gray Television, a Georgia-based company, was attempting to take control of Anchorage's television market. GCI claimed Gray's purchase of both stations would be a breach of FCC policy.

GCI said Gray is already acquiring the dominant station in Anchorage by taking ownership of KTUU.

In September, Gray Television announced it would purchase KTUU from Schurz Communications Inc. for $445.5 million, pending FCC approval.

Megan Edge

Megan Edge is a former reporter for Alaska Dispatch and Alaska Dispatch News.