Laine Welch | Fish Factor


Kodiak-based Laine Welch writes Fish Factor, a weekly roundup of news and opinion about Alaska's commercial fishing industry that appears in newspapers and websites around Alaska and nationally. Contact her at

Alaska fishing industry writer Laine Welch ends her weekly report after 3 decades

Fish Factor: The goal always has been to make readers aware of the seafood industry’s economic, social and cultural importance to all Alaskans.

Laine Welch | Fish Factor April 4, 2022

As demand for Alaska herring roe plummets, industry seeks markets for the wasted fish

This year’s catch levels from each of the three main herring areas are record breakers. But once again, the bulk of the available fish will go unharvested due to no buyers.

Laine Welch | Fish Factor March 28, 2022

Returning hatchery salmon accounted for one-third of Alaska commercial catch in 2021

Fish Factor: It was the eighth largest hatchery homecoming since 1977 and, at a payout of $142 million, the salmon produced 25% of the overall value at the Alaska docks.

Laine Welch | Fish Factor March 21, 2022

Opinion: Alaska task force investigating fisheries bycatch has a big, complicated task ahead

The Alaska Bycatch Review Task Force has met online three times and formed four committees and subcommittees focusing on 1) science, technology, and innovation; 2) Western Alaska salmon; 3) Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska crab; and 4) Gulf of Alaska halibut and salmon.

Laine Welch | Fish Factor March 14, 2022

Promising halibut, sablefish and roe herring fisheries are about to open

Fishery managers at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game will announce the catches for Alaska’s 2022 salmon fishery any day now.

Laine Welch | Fish Factor March 7, 2022

Ban on US purchases of Russian seafood opposed by some national food marketers

Alaska’s seafood industry been grumbling since 2014, when Russia abruptly banned all food imports from the U.S and several other countries but the U.S. didn’t reciprocate.

Laine Welch | Fish Factor February 28, 2022

Report assesses Alaska communities as locations for seaweed processing facilities

Fish Factor: So far, Kodiak leads all other regions in terms of seaweed supply, utility costs, resident labor, property taxes and shipping, with Craig and Ketchikan close behind.

Laine Welch | Fish Factor February 14, 2022

Southeast crabbers are expecting one of their best seasons ever

Fish Factor: Plus, the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute has launched #AlaskaSeafoodHacks to find some of the best tricks and tips for preparing fish and shellfish.

Laine Welch | Fish Factor February 7, 2022

Alaska lawmakers want congressional delegation to target Russia and China over tariffs and bans

Fish Factor: Seafood is Alaska’s biggest export by far, and some state lawmakers want action against trade policies that unfairly trounce global sales.

Laine Welch | Fish Factor February 1, 2022

Economic report for Alaska fishing industry economic offers some surprising numbers

The easy to read, colorful report by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute for 2019-20 includes all regions from Ketchikan to Kotzebue.

Laine Welch | Fish Factor January 24, 2022