
Gov. Walker has lost our confidence. Dunleavy will restore it.

Gov. Bill Walker imposed one of the most regressive "taxes" in the history of Alaska by taking 50 percent of the Permanent Fund dividend. Alaskans of all ages, not just the working class, were negatively affected.

Gov. Walker's PFD "tax" has hit those in the lower income range hardest. Those Alaskans making the least are disproportionately affected, as it is a much greater portion of their income.

Senate Bill 91 is on Gov. Walker's shoulders; he signed it into law. In every category, crime has increased significantly. The following figures are from the state's 2017 Uniform Crime Report. Comparisons are between 2013 and 2017. Violent crime is up 34 percent; property crime is up 22 percent; robbery is up 52 percent, assault up 36 percent; murder up 79 percent, rape up 16 percent; vehicle theft, 150 percent; burglary, 42 percent; and arson, 18 percent.
Losses from robbery for 2017 was $850,125; burglary, $10,488,919; from larceny, $15,309,131; and from vehicle theft, $34,102,492. The total estimated loss to victims of property crime in 2017 is $60,750,667.

In an article dated July 10, CNBC rated Alaska as 50th, the worst state in the union, for business. The article stated that Alaska's GDP growth was just 0.2% for 2017. First quarter foreclosures were up 170 percent from last year. Unemployment was reported as 7.2 percent in May, the highest in the nation. In 2013, Alaska's overall business ranking was 44th; 2014-2015, 47th; 2016, 45th; 2017, 47th; 2018, 50th – dead last.

U.S News & World Report ranked Alaska at 48th in job growth, 45th in employment ranking, 49th in public safety standing; 50th in crime and corrections; 47th in fiscal stability; 49th in cost of energy; and 28th in health care standings.

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores cited ranked Alaska 46th in K-12 education scores, and 47th in high school graduation. 2018 scores for 4th grade show Alaska ranks 50th in fourth-grade reading scores.
Alaska's schools, with an average cost of $17,510 (2016) per pupil, are failing. In the Bush, the cost per pupil rises to $30,000.

As reported on Jan. 10 in the Juneau Empire, from 2016-2018, 8,885 people left Alaska, representing the first decline in population since 1988. Job loss was estimated at between 3,600 jobs between 2016-2017. Another 1,800 jobs are expected to be lost between 2017-2018.


In almost every sector studied, Alaska is either the lowest or close. Public safety and education ratings are embarrassments. Yet we spend more per capita than almost any other state in the union.

Bill Walker does not deserve our confidence. Mike Dunleavy will restore that confidence. His record shows that he serves the interest of Alaskans first, not government.

Larry Wood is a 64-year Alaskan living on Lazy Mountain outside of Palmer.

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Larry Wood

Larry Wood is a 64-year Alaskan living on Lazy Mountain outside of Palmer.